What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry refers to the use of anesthesia during treatment to put patients into a relaxed state, almost like sleep. Sedation is ideal for patients who have dental phobia or have difficulty controlling their movements.
A variety of sedatives are commonly used with this type of strategy including depressants, laughing gas, tranquilizers, anti-anxiety medications, and so on. No matter what type of sedation you receive, it is important that you have someone else drive you home. You may not shake off the effect of the sedation completely for several hours, and therefore, you will not be in any shape to drive on your own.
Conscious Oral Sedation
Oral Sedation (a pill taken by mouth) is easy, safe, convenient, economical and requires no needles. Best of all, the medications create such a comfortable experience that most patients do not remember the visit; it is as if they slept through the treatment. In reality, oral sedation dentistry maintains a level of consciousness in the patient for safety and cooperation.
When you come for your initial consultation, we will review your medical history and will determine if oral sedation is the best sedation option for you.
The Oral Sedation Procedure
The procedure is simple. When you arrive for your treatment, you will be given an oral sedative which will put you into a relaxed and comfortable state. You will be awake but very drowsy. The time you spend in the dentist’s chair will feel like minutes. Before you know it, the procedure is over, and you will have little recollection of the entire experience.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at (954) 510-4300 to learn more about dental sedation.