Gum disease is one of the most common forms of oral health problem that experts in the field, like Dr. Luis Gomez of Coral Springs, Florida, see in their day-to-day work. It attacks gums and other supporting body tissue that surround the teeth. Gum disease is usually contracted as a result of bacteria forming in the mouth and growing beyond control.
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In the early stage of gum disease people find that their mouth feels more sensitive than usual, particularly when brushing. Constant bad breath – or a feeling of something foul tasting being in the mouth – can be another sure sign that gum disease is taking hold, usually because bacteria is building up on plaque on the teeth. When biting into something hard, such as an apple, if your teeth feel wobbly or misaligned then this can be another symptom that gum disease is becoming an issue. Equally, if you notice that your gum-line is receding, exposing more of the tooth, then this is another tell-tale sign of gum disease. Where gums are pulling away from the teeth or forming little pockets, it is likely that gum disease or gingivitis is the cause, and you ought to do something about it before you potentially start losing teeth.
One of the most common symptoms that patients report as the first sign of gum disease is that they have noticed bleeding on their toothbrush, when brushing. This is because the unwanted bacteria have already started attacking the gums, making them sore, sensitive and even swollen in the worst affected areas. In such cases, the brushing motion causes the the gums to bleed a little. If you have noticed this symptom, then it is time to take action.
Dealing with gum disease can be managed without too much hassle by an oral healthcare professional. Soft tissue therapy, computerized charting and perio-protection procedures can all help overcome a mouth that is under attack from gum disease. Having said that, regular flossing, brushing and mouth washing can all help to prevent the problem in the first place.
Call on 954-228-2963 to make your appointment to assess and treat your gum disease at Complete Dental Health now.